Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos

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  1. I submitted an article to RCEH in August and the reply came to me in December, so about a 5 month turn around. Not too bad. The article was not accepted, but I received excellent feedback from the readers and feel that their refusal of the article was valid based on the readers’ criticisms.

  2. I got very good feedback within a reasonable amount of time. I was rejected, but they paid me good attention as a young scholar. Publishing here is a coup, so good luck. It’s one of the best journals out there.

  3. This journal is ok. I considered submitting an article, since I’ve published in virtually all good journals for Spanish Studies. But then I found out authors have to subscribe to the journal, so I never sent them anything. It’s sad some publications “charge” us to publish.

  4. I submitted an article and it was rejected. Some of their comments were a bit harsh, but most were very relevant. Their feedback helped me get it published in another very good journal. Then I submitted a second article to RCEH and was accepted about 3 months after I sent it. They gave me very good feedback again.

  5. I got very bizarre feedback. One reader said the paper was outstanding and another said it was terrible. I suppose that reader B had more weight with the editorial board since they didn’t bother to send it to a third reader to break the tie.

  6. Anybody that has published? all comments here are from scholars whose articles were rejected, good feedback only. I wonder what their parameters are.

  7. It took them six months to reject my article. You have to subscribe to the journal ($65) in order to submit. There were two reviewers. One of the reviewers provided helpful comments, the other simply said that s/he didn’t find the article ‘very enlightening’ (not helpful).

  8. Very long turnaround time (almost 7 months), only to find out that my article was rejected. Reviewer A liked it, reviewer B didn’t like it, and neither really provided much in the way of comments. Editor didn’t provide much in the way of feedback either. Having to subscribe is really a tad unprofessional, as well.

  9. Un colega mío me ha informado lo mismo: que la revista tarda 6 meses antes de dar una decisión. La verdad es que tal demora es completamente inaceptable para nuestros colegas cuyas vidas profesionales dependen de decisiones más rápidas…

  10. Yo tuve muy buena experiencia con esta revista. Es cierto que tardan más de seis meses en dar los comentarios de los evaluadores, pero en mi caso los dos evaluadores aceptaron mi artículo con mínimos añadidos.

  11. i recently submitted to this journal (a month ago) and have not yet heard back from the general editor. i sent a brief follow-up email one week after my initial message and still no response (3 weeks later). is this customary for the journal or is there more of a delay because it’s the middle of the summer?

  12. it may be a summer delay. they tend to be very professional, though their usual decision time is a bit long (6 months). I have always preferred to send things to places with a quicker turnaround time, though having RCEH in your CV is definitely a boost.

  13. I agree. It took over 9 months to get a rejection. While I did receive feedback the two reviewers contradicted themselves or kept referring to older research on the subject matter–which I was trying to move beyond. Detailed feedback, but not sure if I agreed with it. More importantly the delay was/is unacceptable.

  14. From the two reviewers, I got one acceptance and one rejection. Their comments were really useful and super detailed. In addition, I was able to submit my article for consideration without subscribing.

  15. ¿Alguien ha publicado una reseña? En el sitio de internet dice: “No se publican reseñas no solicitadas.” ¿Eso significa que tú los contactos a ellos para preguntarles si puedes reseñar uno de libros que aparecen en la lista de “libros recibidos,” o significa que sólo se publican reseñas de libros que estén en esa lista?

    • No, significa que ellos escogen a la persona que quieren que escriba la reseña (normalmente un especialista en el campo), contactan a esa persona, le preguntan si estaría dispuesto a escribir una reseña para ellos y en caso que la persona diga que si, pues le envían una copia del libro.

  16. Muy buena experiencia. Es verdad que tardan bastantes meses en contestar, pero cuando lo hacen ofrecen revisiones tan cuidadosas y detalladas que merece la pena la espera.

  17. Yo envie un articulo alla por el mes de Abril y todavia no me han dado un veredicto definitivo. Me dijeron que lo harian en Octubre, pero aun estoy a la espera.

  18. Turn around 5 months.

    I do not have a problem with having an article rejected but I do have an issue with lack of professionalism. One of the reviewers blatantly said that he/she makes up his mind by the end of the first page if the article is of any value. The reviewer stated that he/she did not bother to continue reading after that.

  19. Es la única revista que me ha enviado una respuesta irrespetuosa. El lector de mi artículo dice, por ejemplo, tras mencionar el título del libro que analizo, “libro del que supuestamente se ocupa.” ¿Supuestamente? Luego cuenta el número de citas textuales de la obra estudiada por mí (16, una por página) y lo compara con el número de citas textuales de otros textos (13, de diferentes fuentes). En esto se basa para afirmar que no cito lo suficiente al autor estudiado. Como todos sabemos, las citas textuales no son necesarias para cada afirmación que uno quiera hacer sobre un texto. No tengo tiempo de hacer un promedio entre artíulos publicados por revistas prestigiosas, pero una cita textual por página (solo contando las del texto analizado) no es poco. Los comentarios de la lectora o lector no ayudan a mejorar el artículo, pues son más bien burlescos. Por ejemplo, cuando observo que, en el libro que estudio, “no es difícil notar que el tema de la guerra está presente en los diferentes temas tratados,” el lector comenta, agudo él (o ella), “en efecto, lo difícil sería no notarlo.” ¿No entiende lo que es una litote? Mi artículo, sin mayores modificaciones, ha sido aceptado por una revista muy buena, pero me parece lamentable que la RCEH envíe evaluaciones como la que comento aquí, no solamente porque la burla no tiene lugar en una evaluación, sino porque, repito, no ayudan en nada a reescribir un trabajo académico (algo que felizmente no tuve que hacer).

  20. Tengo experiencia con esta revista tanto como evaluadora com mandando artículos. Una vez me mandaron un artículo y me dijeron “Podrías evaluar tal artículo de tal persona en tal universidad?” otra vez me mandaron uno que se les había traspapelado y hacía más de un año que estaba en evaluación. Otra un artículo que ya había sido evaluado. La única vez que yo mandé un artículo dejaron puesto el nombre del evaluador en los comentarios y pude ver que era una persona totalmente ajena al área del artículo, con muy poca experiencia de publicación, y recién egresada del PhD de la misma universidad que la editora (supongo que su alumna recién graduada a la que le está ayudando a construir su CV). Lamentablemente la RCEH no parece seguir las reglas mínimas que garantizan la funcionalidad del peer review. Todo un índice de las deficiencias del hispanismo canadiense.

  21. Tuve una buena experiencia con la RCEH. Se demoraron unis 5 o 6 meses en responderme rechazando el artículo, pero los comntarios de uno de los evaluadores fueron de gran ayuda. Pese a que fue rechazado, me quedo con la sensación de que a diferencia de otras revists los lectores sí invierten tiempo en la evaluación. Sin duda enviaría otro artículo para ser evaluado en esta revista.

  22. I had a very good experience with RCEH. The turnaround time was 6 months, rather long in comparison to other top journals. I got really good and detailed comments from two reviewers. They read my paper very carefully and made excellent suggestions, which ended up improving my paper very much. I have experience submitting papers to Revista de Estudios Hispanicos, Bulletin of Hispanic studies, and Hispanic Review, and I must say that the comments I got were only comparable in quality to the BHS.

  23. I had a great experience with RCEH. Submitted an article in May and received an acceptance with changes in December. The readers’ comments were thorough and helpful in making the article much more solid. I submitted changes and received proofs by Feburary.

  24. Although they do take a long time (my article took approx. a year from submission to acceptance), the feedback is pertinent and the quality of the journal overall great.

  25. I worry about submitting because I am on the tenure clock. A friend told me that it has been over a year since they submitted. They have yet to receive a rejection or feedback

  26. Mi experiencia con el tiempo que tomaron fue nefasta, si bien creo que la pandemia ha contribuido a que se extendiera tanto. Envié mi artículo en abril de 2020. Por fin, en marzo de 2021 me respondieron con buenos comentarios y la decisión de Revise and Resubmit. Lo envié con cambios sustanciales a principios de junio de 2021. En enero de 2022, aun sin tener noticias, les escribí, y entonces me respondieron rápidamente que en esta segunda ronda había sido rechazado. Los comentarios, en todo caso, fueron muy útiles para mí. Si tenéis prisa, no es el journal adecuado. Otros compañeros han tenido problemas similares con ello.

  27. My experience was terrible in terms of timing, but the pandemic could have been the reason for the delay. I first sent my article in April 2020 and I got an answer from them 9 months later (in January 2021) with R&R. Their comments were useful and the feedback was very positive (they recommended to clarify some points and I followed most of the suggestion)s. I emailed the second version in June 2021 and the final decision arrived 7 months later, that is in January 2022. Unfortunately it was rejected.
    They were very nice when I emailed them to have news during the process. However, I feel the decision for the rejection was not totally fair. One of the reviewers didn’t find convincing one of my arguments although I presented extensive citations and bibliography to support it in the last version. Anyway, for me the timing was the most frustrating thing about it.

  28. I have submitted my article several months ago and have not received any report from the journal. This is complicated by the fact that they do not work with the online platform. This only serves to send the articles. I have sent emails to the editor of the journal and she does not respond. I really don’t know what to expect.

  29. I submitted my article in January 2022 and have not received any report from the journal. I have sent three emails to the editor of the journal and she does not respond. It’s really worrisome.

  30. I submitted my article in June 2022 and did not receive any response after I emailed the editor and every other email on the website. I until got a response until I retrieved my article from the journal. Totally unprofessional.

  31. I submitted an article more than a year ago, have made inquiries three times and not received a single response. I am withdrawing. I agree with previous poster: totally unprofessional and discourteous to colleagues.

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