Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana

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An academic journal devoted exclusively to Latin American literature in the sense of bringing together research on both the Spanish-speaking republics of the continent and Brazil. As part of its new editorial policy Chasqui is seeking full-length manuscripts, approximately 20-40 pages, in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, that focus on significant theoretical issues in the analysis of Latin American cultural production, with particular emphasis on literature. Essays dealing with specific texts or authors will be of interest only if they address interesting theoretical questions, and those studies that focus on interdisciplinary approaches, the bridging of national and linguistic divisions, subaltern studies, feminism, queer theory, popular culture, and minority topics are especially encouraged.

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Arizona State University School of International Letters and Cultures Tempe, Arizona 85287-0202
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Comments (23)

  1. My experience was super here. Very quick turn-around and editor wrote fantastic note to me. One of my best experiences ever for a publication.

  2. Solamente una vez he mandado algo aqui. Lo rechazaron con argumentos -creo yo- poco solidos. Me hicieron un favor porque publique el mismo ms en otra revista de calibre similiar y me dieron el premio del mejor articulo publicado en esa revista ese anio.
    En Chasqui fueron descuidados porque dejaron el nombre del evaluador. No le guardo rencor. No se si se acuerda de mi. Lo conoci hace relativamente poco y me dio su libro para que le escribiera una resena. Me esta gustando el libro.

  3. A top of the line review that has survived the ages amidst the lost of so many similar ones and thanks to its wonderful editor. They are simply superb!

  4. All I can do is second (or sixth) the praise expressed above for the editors of Chasqui, both the editor-in-chief and the film review editor are very helpful, courteous, quick to answer questions and intellectually serious.

  5. Tuve una muy mala experiencia con Chasqui. El proceso de revisión fue extremamente estresante y muy mal organizado. Me parece que una revista seria trabaja de otro manera.No la recomiendo

  6. Chasqui is a first-rate and extraordinary literary and cultural studies journal. I recently reviewed a file for a tenure case and did some research on the review process and submission vs. publication rate – typically not easily available for most Latin American and Hispanist journals. I learned that Chasqui is pretty competitive; at least three readers referee submissions. Not only junior scholars publish in Chasqui, top senior scholars continue to do so as well.

  7. Mi experiencia ha sido positiva. Un editor muy criterioso y buenos lectores. Obtuve valiosos comentarios para mejorar mi trabajo, especialmente por parte de uno de los dos revisores.
    El único inconveniente es la demora para la publicación del artículo (al menos fue mi caso). Si bien fueron muy rápidos en enviarme las evaluaciones de mi trabajo (unos 3 meses), me advirtieron desde un principio que, en caso de ser aceptado, mi artículo se publicaría el año subsiguiente.

  8. Overall, I had a positive experience with Chasqui. Apparently, the editor lost my submission after it was reviewed. I got in touch with him (after waiting too long – I was timid since this was my first journal submission) and he was very professional and helpful. The turnaround from there was pretty fast.

  9. I had a great experience with Chasqui. Two months after submitting my essay, I received favorable comments from the reviewers and was asked to revise and re-submit. I addressed the feedback, sent it in, and got a final acceptance a month later.

  10. I too had an excellent experience with Chasqui. The editor responded immediately to all of my inquiries and my article was accepted *very* quickly. The readers’ comments were positive but also showed that they had read the piece carefully. It is refreshing to have a high-quality journal that is also committed to providing feedback efficiently.

  11. La experiencia con el editor de la revista ha sido fenomenal. Los comentarios hechos por los lectores anónimos son prolijos y las críticas que sugieren cambios al artículo, se hacen de una manera profesional.
    La respuesta del editor fue rápida, medio año para correcciones y aceptación.

  12. After more than a decade of being an admirer of this journal I still believe that Chasqui is a top-notch journal on Latin American and pan-Hispanist studies. Many of the most admired scholars in contemporary Spanish and Portuguese language literature, film, and popular culture publish here. I particularly like the fact that the Editorial board is made of truly exceptional scholars that continue to be researchers and partake in the editorial process. My submission was met by very comprehenisve suggestions and comments that were even better than what my dissertation advisors had offered in the past.

  13. Overall my experience with Chasqui was positive, but mostly because they published my article. Initial turn around was relatively quick—four months, I believe. From acceptance to publication it took over a year and a half, which seems normal for a journal of this caliber.

    Nevertheless, there were a few hiccups along the way. They accidentally sent my acceptance to a friend at another university who also had a piece under review. The letter had his name on it but the title of my paper. (It turns out they also accepted his paper.) The requested edits were minimal but the name of one of the reviewers was imbedded in the document. While I was elated to receive such positive feedback, it compromised the double-blind review process. Finally, at time of publication the editor claimed I had not submitted my contract when I had, so I resent him the original email from a year and a half before.

    As a doctoral student I worked as assistant editor at a similarly ranked journal and I know that slip-ups happen. Any one of the aforementioned problems is forgivable, but the total sum of such issues is cause for concern. I will say, however, that the assistant in charge of subscriptions was very helpful when there was a problem processing my subscription payment—due to no fault on their end.

  14. I had a very odd experience. I got a response within 2 months, what is very good, but the decision surprised me. One of the readers said that the text was very good, and the second one liked it too but said that a 20 pages paper was “excessive” for analyzing a short story of 10 pages. In the end, regardless the good evaluations, the editor decided to reject the submission because I did a “microanalysis” of a “relatively unknown writer”. I got better expectations of this journal.

  15. Tuve una muy buena experiencia con esta revista. El editor es muy cordial y contesta oportunamente los mensajes; además, el proceso de evaluación no tarda mucho. Los evaluadores, por lo general, dan excelentes comentarios que ayudan a mejorar los textos, uno de ellos revisó el documento dos veces y, a través del editor, envió excelentes recomendaciones que ayudaron a mejorar el artículo que finalmente fue aceptado. A mi parecer, Chasqui es una revista (peer reviewed) con enfoque crítico además de ser prestigiosa y trabajar rigurosamente.

  16. Mi experiencia con esta revista fue agridulce. El primer evaluador del texto lo calificó como excelente e innovador y no sugirió hacer cambios. Por su parte, el segundo evaluador lo rechazó sin, en mi opinión, argumentos sólidos y simplemente porque no se sentía convencido de este tipo de estudios. Lastimosamente, Chasqui no recurre a un tercer evaluador que pueda tomar la decisión final, así que el editor me recomendó enviarlo a otra revista y así lo hice, a una con “mayor prestigio” en donde fue aceptado por ambos evaluadores.Creo que volveré a enviar mi trabajo a esta revista, pues a pesar de lo sucedido la comunicación y el trabajo del director son excelentes, respeta los tiempos de evaluación y la comunicación siempre es cordial y profesional.

  17. I had an overall positive experience with Chasqui. The editors were excepcionally kind and also prompt and helpful in all of their responses. The peer review process took unusually long (over seven months); but they gave me a sort of conditional acceptance (cite these works and resubmit). A month later I finished and sent them my corrections and received a formal acceptance after two weeks with the good news that my article would be published a month later. The only “negative” part was that one of the editors translated incorrectly a word from English to Portuguese in my works cited without notifying me or doing a basic Google search to find out the correct spelling. Thankfully I flagged their error in time and they apologized for the mistake. Hopefully it will appear corrected in the final version. My worst experience ever was with the Revista de Critica Latinoamericana: they accepted my final revisions and sent me a file of the final version. Thing is, the version that appears in all databases is not the final version. Bad experience. Never publishing with them wver again.

  18. I had a very positive experience with Chasqui. The reviewers were prompt and helpful and turnaround time was relatively quick.

  19. It was the quickest turnaround I have ever seen (~1 month), and the comments were detailed and constructive. The editor-in-chief was pretty responsive.

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