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  1. Terrific journal, run by a very competent, responsive editor. The turn-around time is among the fastest I have ever seen- usually around 2 months. Email communication with the journal is also very quick- I always get a reply within 24 hours, if not 1-2. The comments are always helpful, and the review board composed of the cream of the crop in the field.

  2. Very interesting and useful, thank you. To add to the recent discussions:

    I am the editor (since 1993) of DIECIOCHO, a journal (now in its 34th year) dedicated to the study of the Enlightenement and Long Eighteenth Century in Spain and Latin America. Here is the website:


    DIECIOCHO believes strongly in mutual respect and professional behavior, and for that reason we promise authors that we will have a double peer review of their submission within 60 days of electronic receipt. My experience as editor is that it is possible to identify evaluators for anonymous review and that the reviewers will complete their work within the allotted time. Our evaluations strive to be respectful and constructive.

    It is unconscionable to ask a colleague to wait for 6 or 12 months for an evaluation of their submission. All of the excuses (“I’m busy,” “I have a lot of work,” “I didn’t have time”) strike me as egocentric whining (who is NOT busy??) and completely unprofessional. We can (and should) do better.

    Thank you.

    David T. Gies
    Commonwealth Professor of Spanish
    Editor, DIECIOCHO

  3. This journal is a model for professionalism and responsible management of scholarship in Academia. They did tell me that I would hear from them within 60 days. I received their feedback (positive) in 2 weeks (two, yes, two weeks dear colleagues). Great suggestions, prompt responses, no games.

    I invite editors of other journals and their board members to behave in the same responsible manner. If you are not willing to do your job, leave that spot for those who are–and there are plenty of academics willing to do so.

  4. Agree with all the comments. Even during summer break, editor was quick to respond to submission, and review board was equally expedient. The suggested revisions were insightful, well thought-out, and very helpful. I’m very pleased to have picked Dieciocho and I look forward to the next time down the road I can work with them.

  5. Buena experiencia, a pesar del rechazo. Acuse de recibo casi instantáneo y respuesta (negativa) antes de los dos meses. Las recomendaciones de los evaluadores fueron pertinentes y la comunicación con el editor fue excelente.

  6. Excepcionales y profesionales. Como ya han comentado, acuse de recibo instantáneo y respuesta positiva en un mes. Un ejemplo a seguir en cuanto al trabajo editorial, además de tratarse de una gran revista.

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