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  1. Very good experience with this online only journal. One of my former professors, a respected scholar, told me that he considered this the best of the online only journals. They gave me a decision regarding publication within a week!The editor requested a good bit of additional background, but also gave me excellent suggestions that really strengthened my essay. Interestingly, he also requested additional bibliography and biographical information on all the authors mentioned in my piece. That’s the beauty of an online journal—space isn’t an issue.

    The time between decision and publication was a couple of months, if I recall correctly.

    The journal is for medieval and early modern topics, and would be especially good for longer pieces or ones that included images. A good experience that I hope to repeat sometime.

  2. Sigo con atención esta revista. La calidad de los artículos es excelente. Tienden a cuidar celosamente el contenido y calidad de las contribuciones. Me contenta saber que no tardan mucho en evaluar los artículos, pues tengo pensado enviarles un manuscrito en los próximos meses. En cuanto tenga más información sobre el proceso de arbitraje, agregaré otro comentario.

  3. I had a positive experience with this journal. They are professional and very prompt with their replies. High quality scholarship without the long, drawn-out suffering that print-only journals sometimes require. The editor is a very established scholar in his field, which really serves to anchor the journal.

  4. Corroboro que los artículos incluidos en esta revista son de gran calidad, sin embargo creo que esta publicación tiene un gran problema: no está indexada, y, si lo está, juro a Dios que yo no lo he visto.
    Este detalle de suma importancia echa para atrás a grandes investigadores, en especial españoles, cuyas contribuciones apenas valen nada si se publican en revistas de este tipo, por lo cual deben marginar eHumanista. Una pena.

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